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Highlights of 1912
Olympic Games Stockholm
The 1912 Games brought delegations from 28 nations with a total number of 2500 participants to Stockholm. The Stockholm Police team, being the strongest team from the national trial, represented Sweden. Five countries had announced their participation; Austria, Bohemia, Great Britain, Luxembourg, and Sweden. The Swedes were very well aware that their strongest opponents would be the winners of the gold medal in 1908 Games, the London City Police team. When the teams from Austria, Bohemia and Luxembourg faced the skill and strength of the Swedish and the British teams, they had no great desire to be defeated and did not turn up at the competition. So the event was totally centered at the match between Sweden and Great Britain, both teams consisting of well trained police men. The stand in the stadium were packed with thousands of spectators who breathless awaiting the result of the big match. The first pull was a clear victory for the Swedish team. In the second pull, the British started very strong, but then the Swedes stopped the British team. The Swedish team proofed to be more fit, as some of the British pullers became exhausted and sat down on the ground. So the Swedes also won the second pull after the judge had disqualified the British team for sitting.
Tug of War team at the Olympic Games 1912 in Stockholm Sweden

Member organizations affiliated in 1912
No new Member Organizations

Major international competitions 1912
Olympic Games